Meet the Board: Jeremy Vandiver

Jeremy Vandiver


Jeremy Vandiver

Vice President, Building and Grounds Committee, Policy committee and Elmwood speaks.

What are your hobbies/passions/interests?
CCS and Helping Hands/Mission Centralia are currently my biggest hobbies and interest. 
My passions are my wife, my family, and my business.

What made you choose to join the Cultural Society?
I was out with a friend and he mentioned that help was needed on an upcoming set build. That was 8 years ago. I have tried to be involved in some way since then. I got involved knowing I would have a chance to show my artistic side.  I stay involved because I feel like I get to make a difference and help promote the arts in Centralia.

Favorite art medium(s)?
Theatre, with a leaning towards musicals.

Favorite book?
I don't know if I have a favorite. The one I recommend the most right now is "Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing" by Matthew Perry! 

What do you do as a board member?
I attend meetings and help plan the short and long term goals of our organization. I build sets and fill other volunteer roles when the need arises.

What artist or song gets stuck in your head most often?
It's a tie between Jimmy Buffett and Jason Isbell.

What’s your go-to balloonfest concession?:
I thought we were supposed to try one of everything.


Meet the Board: Steve Dillingham